Bloom School Pictures


Welcome to Bloom! We are your school's picture day provider. You can use this page to register for our Smile Club, review your school picture day details, and access online galleries.

Bloom does not do pre-ordering or pre-payments for school pictures. All ordering happens after picture day, and through password protected online galleries.

If you have questions about our school picture day process, please check out our FAQ's


Registration is free & optional. Every student will be photographed regardless of being registered.

By registering for Smile Club, you will receive...

  • Streamlined communication directly from our studio about all things picture day.
  • Early bird gallery access. Be the first to know when galleries go live!
  • Discounts on school pictures and additional deals through our other studio brands like family pictures, corporate headshots and custom framing.
Smile Club Signup



Fall 2024


Wednesday, September 4th
Individual Picture Day
Mrs. Hughes | Mrs. Spears | Mrs. McCullagh | Sweeney | Hayes | Kristen | Durling | Ms. Maddie | Royer
Thursday, September 5th
Individual Picture Day
Mrs. Grahf | Ganab, Gavin | Emmons | Thackeray | Lantz, Allison | Thomas | Talamo | Mr. T | Ms. Robin
Friday, October 18th
RETAKE SIGN UP: Now closed to prepare for picture. If you missed the sign-up and wish to participate, please contact your school.

Individual Portrait Information: We'll be photographing your student outdoors on your school's campus. Have them wear their favorite colors, and bring their smile!

Spring 2025


Tuesday, March 11th
Class Picture Day
All Classes

Class Picture Information: We'll be capturing your student, along with their classmates and teacher, in class group pictures this spring. Depending on weather, this may be either outside or indoors.


Fall 2024 Galleries



  • Orders from different picture days cannot be combined into one shopping cart. If you are ordering from both fall and spring, you will need to place two separate orders. One for each season.
  • Due to data privacy acts, we cannot provide student ID#'s over the phone or via email. If you do not know your ID#, you will need to log into Infinite Campus or Parent Portal from your school's website to look it up.
  • If you are looking to order from a past season, please reach out to us through our PICTURE DAY GUIDE FOR PARENTS page.
Bloom School Pictures

Steele Elementary YEARBOOK DETAILS

Welcome to your 2024-2025 Steele yearbook ordering!

yearbook order

Yearbook Ordering Now Available!

Celebrate your student's school year by ordering a Steele Elementary Yearbook!


  • Order a soft or hard cover, full-color book full of class portraits, student art and fun memories from the year.
  • Softcover - $21.33 plus tax and shipping
  • Hardcover - $36.94 plus tax and shipping
  • Shipped-to-home in late summer
  • Want to give your student a personalized shout-out in the yearbook? Get them a dedication yearbook ad to celebrate their year at Steele. Dedication ads are available to order and design until Tuesday, June 3rd, 2025. Choose between an 1/8 ad page ($20), 1/4 ad page ($40), or a 1/2 ad page ($80). Click the Order Now button below to access your Yearbook Ad options. If you haven't created an ad in the past, you'll need to sign up to create a user login. For help creating a yearbook ad, please click the Support FAQ button at the top of the yearbook ad builder, or use the orange chat box (?) on the bottom right of the design page to contact ad-builder support.
  • Order deadline: Tuesday, June 3rd, 2025


Steele Elementary Order From Past Seasons